King Bhumibol aduladejera thailyaldera a distorted picture on Facebook to share with friends and like 3 years in jail, a young man named thanakarna siripai. According to a news medium, 7-year-old friend of this young man's passion distort posted. Siripai share the image, and the like. For thailyaldera police arrested him from his home. Thailyaldera military court trial of the man has been reported. Many people assume that the young man of the highest 3 years in jail for this crime.
King Bhumibol aduladejera thailyaldera a distorted picture on Facebook to share with friends and like 3 years in jail, a young man named thanakarna siripai. According to a news medium, 7-year-old friend of this young man's passion distort posted. Siripai share the image, and the like. For thailyaldera police arrested him from his home. Thailyaldera military court trial of the man has been reported. Many people assume that the young man of the highest 3 years in jail for this crime.
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