Unemployed standing in a mosquito-borne disease is a threat to human virus to create a vaccine could take ten years or a decade, American scientists said. Brazil, South America, the epidemic spread of the virus has already spread to more countries in the world, at least 30 deserao.Unemployed is the relatively small size of the virus, which attacks the brain Newborn Children at the next could be the death knell of his physical disabilities. No antidote to the discovery of the virus is still not thought about it. Moreover, the identification process is very complex, the researchers said.
University of Texas Medical Branch for the discovery of the virus in the vaccine, however, has been studied. Members of the police and the FBI has stringent security research building. According to the information of the virus is already spreading among the people, because there is concern that the director of the Institute for Human Infections and immunity to the virus in two years, says Professor stock Waiver experimental vaccine can be discovered. But it will take time for people to use the approval of at least ten years. Unemployed outbreak of the virus in the Central American country of El Salvador since 2018, the government has urged women to take up the issue. The governments of Colombia and Ecuador in the fixed deadline, but the public does not have the same kind of advice.
Australia, Denmark, Britain was also the patients infected with this virus. The spread of dengue fever in Aedes species Aedes aegypti ejipti contain the spread of the virus through masakira. Masakira seen this kind of thing over the North Queensland, Australia, Central and South dikeera ago the World Health Organization said the outbreak may Unemployed amerakaya. However, Canada and Chile are under threat from Lake Victoria in Uganda in 1947 Unemployed Unemployed virus was found in a forest on a monkey's body. The forest is named after. Typically in South East Asia and the Pacific islands in the outbreak. However, it has spread widely in the American continent. The authorities said that it has reached epidemic proportions in Brazil.
There is still no vaccine for this virus, but did not find. One way to avoid the reproduction of the Aedes mosquito, stop and avoid mosquito bites. The species of mosquitoes usually lay their eggs in clean water is frozen. If the water does not freeze over so long to pay more attention to scientists suggested.
Brazil, from October last year, nearly four thousand infants still become infected or abnormal maikrosephali was born with a small-sized head. The Health Ministry said 49 children have died so far affected maikrosephalite. Gechedharana viruses found in five of the baby's body Unemployed Unemployed virus attacks the brain of the newborn size is relatively small. So far, it has proved naisidanite oyestamida Hospital virologist Professor Dominic dayera Unemployed Aedes species than any other is not known whether the virus can be helpful charanoya. Unemployed outbreak of hepatitis A virus in the body, even though some tourist information available in the Americas and beyond yayanianyadike US authorities are still advised to travel in force in the country has more than 0. Unemployed every country in the list of the outbreak.
In the countries of Central and South American countries of Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela are noteworthy. Nor Caribbean, Oceania and some countries aphrikarao list.
Scientists do Unemployed virus infection. When infected with influenza type symptoms that are common, this case is similar symptoms. The spots appear on the skin.
There is still no vaccine for this virus, but did not find. One way to avoid the reproduction of the Aedes mosquito, stop and avoid mosquito bites. The species of mosquitoes usually lay their eggs in clean water is frozen. If the water does not freeze over so long to pay more attention to scientists suggested.Chabitathya Source Online News
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