Professor Dr. AFM Rezaul Karim Siddiqui, arrested a man Saturday night on suspicion of involvement in the murder. Hafizur detained Rajshahi bisbabidyalayerai a second year student of the Department of Public Administration and the city of Ward 19 branch secretary of the camp. The Metropolitan Police said the murder tadantabhara.
Rajshahi University professor of English at the AFM Rezaul Karim Siddiqui to everyone, "Who, sir," as he was known. Dear sir took out a procession in protest of the killing yesterday morning at 10 am in mourning teachers and students of English department. The procession started from the campus of the University of road around Paris organized a rally held in front of the Senate building. English Department Chairman Prof Masood Akhtar rally, Prof.. Shahidullah and Prof. Zahurul Islam.
Prof. Zahurul Islam, the country has created a culture of impunity. Four people were killed in the last 1 year university. The murder trial was not fair. We do not want to sit on the false assurance. We will continue the movement. "
At the end of the meeting for five minutes at the main entrance of the university teachers and students was the token program. Nearly two hundred teachers and students attended the program. Then at 1 pm at the Department of English students again gathered in Paris was the US program. The program runs until noon.
Anima students to take part in the program, said, "Sir, did you ever oppose any faith. Do any of the blog. But now we are told that he was an atheist, was a blogger. We have to say clearly, these tags do not try to put it in the legal murder. The label affixed to different sectors of killing someone if we are not human. "
A commemoration of the signing of the students said, "Before the university did not have the habit of reading English. The class sat back. Syaradera lectures were so difficult to understand. Who syarai only benefit the students taught classes in Bengal. "
Anindita Another student said, "We, sir, no smog that are not made with the killings. It is not behind the actual killers. "
Dear colleagues to protest the killing of University Teachers' Association at 10 am in the morning in front of the Senate building out a silent procession. The procession ended in front of the campus roads around the Senate building. After the human chain was organized. Association General Secretary Professor Shah AJM conducted by Santanu he spoke at the University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Muhammad Mizanuddin, vice-chancellor Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan, former vice-chancellor. M Saidur Rahman Khan, president of the Teachers' Association said. Md. Shahidullah, former president Professor Anand Kumar Saha, among others.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Muhammad Mizanuddin the regular schools and teachers in a panic atmosphere of violence on campus. Teachers are being killed on a regular basis, but does not catch the killers, do not judge them. "
Mizanuddin more, "said a teacher who lost his family, and the English department at the University of the irreplaceable vacuum has been created. Now, it seems, we are killing the rally. It seems that the teachers and the free minded being killed, I will kill all of us. We want to see the rule of law. The university will not be quiet until more. Siddiqui's killers will not be presented in front of us and would not ensure the appropriate punishment. "
Act quickly to demand punishment of the perpetrators involved in the murder of around 11 in the morning on the campus of the University of Progressive Students procession. At 1 pm in front of the Central Library of the University of the demand by the University Central Cultural Alliance protest rally. Rally Teachers Association General Secretary Professor AJM Shantanu Shah, Management Studies Prof Moloy Kumar Bhowmik, Prof P M Shafiqul Islam Bengali.
However, the university is now a major disaster. Teachers are being killed repeatedly. But because law enforcers are not able to find out. Our culture of fear must come out and protests must be. "
Quick demanding arrest of the killers of University Teachers' Association organized a human chain around 5 pm at the zero point of the city.
English Department news conference: Professor Karim Siddiqui murder case by the end of the investigation quickly drutabicara tribunal to judge those responsible for the Department of English teachers demanded. Noon at the English Department at the University of Arts Shahidullah demanded at a press conference.
English department chairman said at a press conference. Masood Akhtar said, "Professor Siddique was not a follower of any political ideology. He was wandering in the cultural arena. We demand exemplary punishment of the law to those responsible for the killings. In this case we have been for the intervention of the prime minister and home minister. "
Told a press conference, demanding the arrest and trial of those responsible for the killing of three days from the elimination of classes and tests and keeping a full day and week-long protest strike has undertaken English. The funeral will be held today.
Among others, spoke at the press conference, Associate Professor Abdullah Al Mamun. Prof attended. Shahidullah, Professor sehanaja Yasmin, Professor Jahurul Islam, Prof Shahidur Rahman.
After the press conference in protest of the killing of five students in the English Department at a press conference to demand the same place. 48-hour ultimatum to arrest those involved in the killings gave.
A suspect held on suspicion of involvement in the murder on Saturday night from his residence in the city chotabonagrama Hafizur name of the arrested students. Hafijur Ward 19 city branch secretary of the camp. DB chief minister confirmed Jahidul Islam, the DB office haphijurake being questioned.
Prof AFM Rezaul Karim Siddiqui murder case has been assigned to investigate the Metropolitan Police. Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Commissioner. Shamsuddin said yesterday. Metropolitan Police officer-in-charge Dr Zahidul Islam said, "The responsibility has been given to us. We are investigating the case seriously. "But when asked whether the investigation has been involved in militant chief said," You can not say anything about it at the moment. "
Police met with the university administration: Metropolitan Police Commissioner this morning with the administration. Shamsuddin has been meeting senior officials. The meeting was held at 10 am at the office of the Vice-Chancellor's residence. The University Vice-Chancellor Professor Muhammad Mizanuddin, vice-chancellor Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan, a student advisor Prof Mizanur Rahman, Procter Mujibul Haque Azad Khan were also present.
After the meeting, a student advisor Mizanur Rahman told this correspondent, the progress of the investigation of the murder of Professor Siddiqui asked. Police officials said they are trying highest importance. The university administration has been talking to all kinds of cooperation.
Demi harmonious house: morning and evening setarera tune away from the house came to the house demi silence of the mass. Siddiqui, a professor in the area of the city yesterday afternoon to go home sapura found locked from outside. Baghmara village on Saturday afternoon with the body for burial, family members said.
In fact, at 7 pm sapura Saturday morning in the area a short distance from his home, was murdered Professor Siddiqui. The two young men stabbed him and fled on a motorcycle, witnesses said.
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