Mancha spokesperson Imran H Sarkar said, has threatened to kill him very soon.Sunday evening in his cell phone to threaten the status of his Facebook page said Imran.He wrote on Facebook, today at 7pm 1, the United Kingdom, with a number of the code has been threatened to kill me. I was asked to be put to death soon.Imran wrote, I wanted to know who is speaking, the answer has not been given any say from where. It was said over and over again just to be killed. Where to call if you want to learn how to kill them off.Status, Imran said, I know it does not tell anything jananote or not. However, I think everyone should be informed. And with the threat dhamaki not think one can stop me is irrelevant.He wrote that the killing is not judged dharsanerai as big a threat to the country is not the case. Moreover, a few days ago, some misguided politicians threatened to kill me openly, he has to judge what is?Mancha
spokesman, wrote on Facebook, death threats after publicly asked an old
friend of mine, murder conspiracy trial judge whether the threat to
public? I answered, I am the son of peasants, he was the son of the prime minister.
juwel ishlam - Thursday, February 19, 016 Abdus Salam, a Bhasha Shaheed Salam laksanapura Dagarbhuiyan of Feni district of the village, the village was named after him parabartite salamanagara She is another one of the great Language Movement martyrs. Because of its outstanding role in protecting the language later, the nation's national spirit of sacrifice and patriotism made ujjbibita. As the consciousness of the country's independence was achieved in 1971 through an armed struggle. His father Mian Muhammad Fazil. Abdus Salam career at the Directorate of Industries of the Government of Pakistan served as a postman. No. 36 B-quarter lived in the barracks FIG. Bengali language, demanding that the state of Pakistan on February 1 fifty-two onto the streets of Dhaka Medical College took part in 144 demonstrations broke. Elopatharibhabe after police opened fire on crowds of students Abdus Salam was shot. ...
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