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Lindsay Lohan thinking about embracing Islam

Isalāma grahaṇēra kathā bhābachēna linḍasē lōhāna.Nija dharma tyāga karachēna hali'uḍēra bitarkēra rānī linḍasē lōhāna- ēmana guñjana anēka āgē thēkē'i cā'ura chila. Abaśya sē saba gujaba sr̥ṣṭira jan'ya lōhānēra kr̥takarma'i dāẏī chila. Mājhē madhyē tāra kathābārtāẏa'ō khrisṭa dharma tyāga karē isalāma grahaṇa karāra iṅgita pā'ōẏā yēta. Ēbāra sē'i iṅgitaṭi'i spaṣṭabhābē jāniẏē diẏēchēna balē dābi karachē kaẏēkaṭi bidēśī sambādamādhyama. Jārmānira sambādamādhyama ḍaẏēsē bēlēra barātē jānā yāẏa, nija dharma tyāga karāra byāpārē mantabya karē lōhāna balēna, ‘khrisṭa dharma chēṛē musalamāna ha'ōẏāra kathā bhābachi āmi’.Ēra āgē 2015 sālē ēkaṭi śiśukēndrē 29 bachara baẏasī ē abhinētrīkē pabitra kōra'āna śaripha bahana karatē dēkhā giẏēchila. Takhani hali'uḍapāṛāẏa jōra guñjana uṭhē isalāma dharma grahaṇa karēchēna ē tārakā. Tāra ghaniṣṭha sūtrēra barāta diẏē sambādamādhyamaṭi āra'ō jānāẏa, āgē thēkē'i nijēra ādhyātmika byāpāragulōtē bēśa sacētana thākēna tini. Bibhinna dharma niẏē racita ba'igulō'ō niẏamita adhyaẏana karēna balē jāniẏēchēna. Sabaśēṣa mārkina yuktarāṣṭrē isalāma dharma niẏē ati samālōcanāra kāraṇē ē dharmaṭi samparkē tāra madhyē jānāra āgraha sr̥ṣṭi haẏa. Kichudina paṛāśōnāra para thēkē'i isalāmēra prati jhum̐kē yāna ē tārakā. Phalāphala khrisṭāna kyāthalika dharma chēṛē isalāmēra ālōẏa ālōkita ha'ōẏāra sid'dhānta nēna tini. Samprati isalāma dharmakē mārkinidēra dr̥ṣṭibhaṅgi niẏē'ō kathā balēchēna lōhāna. - See more at: Http://Www.Jugantor.Com/online/international/2016/04/24/10841/%E0%A6%87%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%B2%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%AE-%E0%A6%97%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%B9%E0%A6%A3%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%B0-%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%A5%E0%A6%BE-%E0%A6%AD%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%9B%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%A8-%E0%A6%B2%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%A8%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%A1%E0%A6%B8%E0%A7%87-%E0%A6%B2%E0%A7%8B%E0%A6%B9%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%A8#prettyPhoto Are you thinking of taking up the religion of Islam nija Hollywood controversy queen Lindsay Lohan Lindsay lohana humming sound that was before it was caura. However, the rumors that he was responsible for the creation of lohanera krtakarmai. In the midst of his talk would indicate to accept Christianity from Islam. But the claims that some foreign media has clearly ingitatii. According to German media quoted dayese Bell, his religion to leave comments Lohan said, "Christianity is supposed to be a Muslim to leave before thinking amiera 015 sisukendre in 9-year-old actress was seen carrying the Holy Quran. Then haliudaparaya force up rumors had converted to Islam at the star. According to media reports, citing sources close to him, he was already aware of his own Spiritual Matters. Said the study's books of different religions on a regular basis. Most of the criticism of the United States, Islam is the last religion in the sense of interest is due. Shortly after the study was attracted to Islam at the star. Results from the Christian Catholic religion of Islam, he decided to become illuminated. Most Americans view Islam Lohan said


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